Conference registration is required for attendance and presentation at the conference. Presenters of papers must register and make payment by the deadline below. Otherwise, your abstract or full paper will be withdrawn from the conference.
- Authors’ registration deadline: July 13th, 2025 (Authors of paper submission must register by the deadline.)
- Late registrations by authors are welcome but your paper will not be included in the proceedings of the conference.

Registration Note:
- Contributions will only be published in the ICER2025 E-Proceedings if at least one of the authors of each accepted abstract is registered before July 13th, 2025. (in person or virtually)
- An author registration covers the presentation of one paper. If an author needs to present more than one paper, they must register separately for each additional paper.
- Authors who register but are unable to deliver an oral presentation will not have their papers published in the ICER2025 E-Proceedings, and they will not be eligible for refunds or certificates
- The ICER2025 Certificate will only be issued for one paper, and it will include the names of the author and co-authors.
Registration for presenter
Registration for participant
**** Noted: Upon receipt of your acceptance letter notification via email, we will contact you to arrange for payment. After you make a payment please send payment evidence via ****